Arduino | Final Idea (figuring out everything)

From my understanding, i had no idea that what we will be working will be the final! Even though, i came prepared! Trying to think of a new cool animation that will suit my sensor, however whatever i thought of it doesn’t compare to my disco and dancing figures. So i asked myself, do we have to create a new one? Can’t i just develop what i already have sense its AMAZING.

Therefore, i have removed the disco ball, added a couple of dance move (hips shaking from left to right) and have increased the array of single frames (allowing the frames to repeat more constant) so it won’t be as fast and the viewer is able to enjoy the animation. Next step, would be the sensor, codding phase, which i could NOT figure out! I have used my references correctly and have doubled checked on the codes as well as asked a couple of my peers! No one knows how to fix it!?

IMG_8610Since the majority of the classmates are having the same problem, the professors were generous enough to give us the rest of this class to fix the problem by handing out sorted codes for speed and direction. My plan is, depending on the pressure and the force of the sensor the speed of the dance moves would vary. Hence, as the pressure of the sensor is increased the faster the speed will occur.

Problem solved; now we have to simplify our circuits for display, so we shouldn’t use the breadboard and sketch out the circuit to use as little wires as possible.


Trying to figure out the simplest circuit with my peer, Noor, since we share similar sensors.

After figuring out the circuit, i have made the decision to use short black wires to look professional, simple and clean! I started planning out my layout with blue tape then started cutting wires and soldering them to the Arduino, sensor and the resistor. We were given laser cut signs/tags by the professor to explain the action that is required for the sensor.


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