Arduino | Sensors

When i just thought that will be the end of this project, we get introduced to the next phase! Don’t get me wrong I am enjoying this project, it’s something new and i haven’t done anything like it before, i just thought what’s more to do?! it is challenging. We will be adding sensors by creating circuits!

IMG_8441We started off by getting new gadgets that will enable us to create circuits with the sensors. By having a power source (Arduino’s 5V) we will be able to connect the sensor (LED) as it will light it up and by adding a resistor on the breadboard (device to make connections) it will allow less power which controls the speed of energy going through the circuit as it ends up in the ground (GRD) terminal. By adding coding we were able to communicate and allow the LED to blink. YAY

Mapping is another function that enables the results from the coding be more visible depended on the sensor. With the light sensor, we started covering it and flashing light to view the drastic change in the numbers. Another sensor we played with is a switch, which is basically a button that we can turn on and off the LED.

Later on we were asked to choose a sensor and make it work by ourselves and start researching to figure it out. I ended up choosing the force sensitive resistor sensor. We were given a tip to check out and the rest of the time i have researched diagrams and videos to help my understand more how to work with the force sensitive resistor sensor. I’m a visual learner 😀

By following the visual representations of how i would be able to recreate the circuit for this specific sensor, i was able to do it as it was simple and easy to follow. I managed to test it with the LED, next will be with an animation.


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